
Customer Churn Prediction - ML project


Develop an accurate churn prediction model for a telecommunications company to identify customers likely to churn.
Aimed to demonstrate analysis, machine learning, and data science skills.


Achieved 96% accuracy in predicting customer churn, enabling the company to proactively address retention strategies and reduce churn rate.
Scope: The developed churn prediction model can serve as the foundation for creating a web application or API that allows users to input customer information and receive predictions about potential churn.


Completed within 7 days.
This project was undertaken as a personal project to showcase the feasibility of developing a churn prediction model within a limited timeframe.
Industry projects could extend due to thorough data cleaning, iterative model improvement, testing, stakeholder collaboration, and customization.


  • Data Collection: Gathered customer data from the company's database.
  • Data Preprocessing: Cleaned, handled missing values, and transformed data using Python.
  • Feature Engineering: Created new features like tenure groups to enhance model performance.
  • Model Selection: Implemented various models (Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN, etc.).
  • Balancing Data: Used SMOTEEN technique to address class imbalance.
  • Model Training: Trained selected models using balanced data.
  • Evaluation: Measured accuracy, recall, precision, and F1-score to assess model performance.
  • Pickling: Saved the best-performing model using the Pickle library.
  • Understand Customer Behavior (EDA)

    Churn indicates how many customers cancel taking service within a certain time compared to active customers. This requires strong prediction tools.

    This project aimed to predict customer churn, where customers stop using a service. Through in-depth Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), I comprehensively explored customer behavior and associated attributes. I used graphs and numbers to learn what things might make customers leave. This helped build a smart model that can tell us when a customer might leave. This is useful for businesses to prevent customers from leaving and offer better service.

    Model Building Steps in Detail

  • Data Exploration:
    I started by exploring the dataset, which contained information about customer demographics, contract details, services subscribed, and churn status. I performed data cleaning, handled missing values, and visualized key features to gain insights.
  • Model Selection:
    Since the dataset was imbalanced with a churn ratio of 26%, I knew that accuracy alone would not be sufficient to evaluate the models. Hence, I decided to focus on other metrics like recall, precision, and F1 score, especially for the minority class (churned customers).
  • Model Building:
    I experimented with various classifiers, including Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN). These models showed promising results, but I needed to address the data imbalance issue to improve their performance.
  • Data Balancing:
    To handle the data imbalance, I employed the SMOTEEN upsampling technique, creating a more balanced dataset with equal representation of churned and non-churned customers.
  • Model Evaluation:
    After upsampling the data, I reevaluated the models' performance using the new balanced dataset. I compared the models' recall, precision, and F1 score for churned customers to identify the most effective one.
  • Recommendation:
    Based on the evaluation results, I recommend using the best-performing model to predict customer churn. Additionally, I suggest implementing proactive customer retention strategies based on the model's predictions to reduce churn rates and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Conclusion:
    This personal project has given me valuable insights into customer churn prediction and the importance of handling imbalanced datasets. By applying various machine learning techniques, I was able to build a reliable model to aid in customer retention efforts. Gathered customer data from the company's database.
  • Feel free to explore the code on my GitHub or Jupyter Notebook for EDA , for Machine Learning Model for an in-depth look at the project's implementation.

    Hearty Thank You